About Us

Founded in 1997 by Judge Tim Dwyerand currently presided over by the Honorable Judge Lee Wilson, the Shelby County Drug Court is an alternative program that targets non-violent adult offenders with drug-related criminal charges.

The program works in four phases. Offenders are placed into an intensive out-patient program which requires they report back to the Court where the Judge personally reviews their progress. Program components include:

  1. Voluntary participation
  2. A 12-month sentence into the program
  3. Outpatient treatment and inpatient when necessary
  4. Mandatory random drug testing
  5. Attendance at treatment sessions
  6. Attendance at 12 step meetings
  7. Sanctions for non-compliance
  8. Assessments for chemical dependency
  9. Participation in other programs as deemed necessary by the Drug Court team which may include family/individual counseling, mental health counseling, GED/Job readiness, life-skills/ parenting sessions, anger management classes or other programs designed to assist the individual in returning to society as a productive citizen.
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